An introduction to ‘The Gym Van’ the art of living lean…

Hello winners, thank you for finding your way to my website you are only a few clicks away from changing your life forever.

Whilst as a mature student studying for my active IQ level 3 diploma, my tutor said to us “to make it in this industry you need to think outside the box” that really stuck with me. A few weeks went by and my life was a circle of revising, studying, revising and studying. I took a break from this routine and decided to hit the gym. Whilst I was there, a lady approached me wanting to know how the Lat pulldown machine worked and the benefits of using that bit of equipment.

I supported the lady with understanding the piece of equipment, she thanked me and said ‘I wish my husband would come with me’, I asked her why he didn’t and she informed me that he hates the gym as he finds them daunting but he does want to get fit.

I spent a few days thinking about this, the fact that somebody wanted to do something about their lifestyle but was unsure about going to the gym.

After doing some market research I found that quite a few people, both men and women felt this way about going to the gym, especially those who are struggling with their weight. There was a common theme around lack of self – confidence, common fears such as ‘will people be laughing at me’ ‘I don’t know how to use the equipment’.

I knew I wanted to do something to help and one night I thought, how do I take the issues that people are facing and give them a solution and that is how the Gym Van was born.

Now there is no excuse not to start your fitness journey. The Gym Van will train you in your own environment, with a fully loaded van you will be sure to get an awesome training session and guaranteed to build your confidence along the way!

As well as 1-2-1 PT sessions, I run a wide range of classes at the Functional Fitness Suite in the Charles Burrell Centre, Thetford. Take a look now…